


farm job 16th

It's also lyichee farm today It's 31 December so we finished little bit early

farm job 15th

Today also work at Lychee farm It was wired wether in the morning like rain was on and off. It seems high season in this farm so our harvest gradually increases. We could be working longer at same time. After working we went to the city fo…

farm job 14th

Today also working at Litche farm It was long day we working from 5am to 2pm, 9 hours altogether

farm job 13th

Working at Litche farm today as well. When we started job, that was raining then, but keeping work on after a few hours stop rain. Also good day for working today. I was working over 7 hours today it's not long time compare with other farm…

farm job 12th

I went to another farm today. It was first time to come and there are many people who come from another place. There were some Japanese peoples there. They told me how to pick and working there. I could hear with Japanese so it was very ea…

farm job 11th

Working at Litche field today. We were picking 2 type of litche. Small one and middle one. I'm getting used to be litche picking. After finishing picking i could help packing and divided that which is good or bad. It was not dash job so we…

farm job 10th

Christmas eve farm job. It's also same place and we continue from yesterday. Planting of sweet potato for 6 rool on field. One rool we took 1 and half hours so it was long day today.

farm job 9th

I worked at sweet potato field today. It was 2nd time to work involving sweet potato, and it was same process what i did before. I worked at farm almost 2 weeks so it gradually be accumulated my fatigue by the job and under this sun. But f…

farm job 8th

It's finally working for 8 days here as farm job. My day still 80days left although. Today, also i worked at Lychee field. It was cloud so really good day for working. We were picking for 2 rools (1 rool line up for 6-7 trees ) this job is…

form job 7th

I went to new field today for picking Litchis. Litchis fruit on the tree from bottom to high point. Fruiting on bottom is easy to pick i could almost sit down on the ground. But high point's litchis makes me steff neck. But this job is hou…

farm job 6th

It's already a week past since i started a farm job. Today we also picked small cucumber for a bucket 4 bucks. I can be this job quickly day by day. Also getting close with colleges and room mates. My life is getting better thanks to them.…

farm job 5th

Is it raining season in Australian around this time? Even thought we could work but it's really nothing vegetables there.. So it's really hard to make money under this conditions. It was rain so ground condition also bad, so even move it's…

farm job 4th

CAN NOT USE ww I'm gradually used to be this job. It was a dayoff yesterday due to rain. So we didn't pick any cucumber there are many cucumbers there. And 1 bucket for 2 bucks today, it's little bit better money. So i made 50 buckets this…

farm job 3rd

The next day which i was fire from D farm still i have another job fortunately. I was back to N farm which picking for cucumbers. Also we wokeup around 3am and leave motel after 1 hour. I made 7 buckets and one bukets for 1.8bucks. It's re…

farm job 2nd

I went to the different field today The field treat sweet potate, and i already heard that this farm's supervisor is mean, so get fire early and now lack of workers. Anyway, i can not help it how far i said complain, just do it. We cut lea…

farm job 1st

It's a first day to work at farm. I got up around 3am and making lunch box, then head to field. It takes about 30mins by car from my motel to the field. I was picking cucumbers today. So we picked a cucumber with regular size for shipment.…


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